Genseishojoju (those guaranteed to be born in the Pure Land while still in this world) (現生正定聚)

The term "Genseishojoju" is also referred to as 'gensho futai (the idea of "not falling back in this world").'
In addition, this term denotes the doctrinal basis of the Jodo Shinshu (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism), one of the traditional schools of Japanese Buddhism, and highlights Shinran's religious faith most succinctly. What Shinran expounded about the term is that accepting faith devoted by Amida Buddha would affirm birth in the Pure Land, and attainment of enlightenment, becoming a Buddha, at that moment.

As this term indicated, Shinran explained that, unlike the creed of pure land teachings until then, he made faith, conferred upon the individual by Amida Buddha, the sole precondition for attainment of birth in the Pure Land and for guarantee to become a Buddha at this moment and in this world (Ichinenhokki jushojoju, Heizei-gogyo, and Sokutokuojo jufutaiten: all these verses expound Shinran's concept of "Genseishojoju"). From this point of view, he interpreted that (after accepting faith), the recitation of nenbutsu (the name of Amida Buddha), 'namuamidabutsu (literally, I take my refuge in Amida Buddha)' is not the invocation uttered in the hope of rebirth into the Pure Land by the salvific power of Amida Buddha, but in gratitude for ensuring birth in the Pure Land.

"Ken jodoshinjitsu kyogyosho monrui (Selected passages revealing the true teaching, practice and attainment of the Pure Land)," the major work of Shinran, explained as follows:
Ten benefits would be attained in this world. What the ten benefits would be. They are as follows; the first benefit of being protected by unseen divinities, the second one of attaining the utmost virtue, the third one of transforming all one's evils into good, the fourth one of being protected by all Buddhas, the fifth one of being praised by all Buddhas, the sixth one of being constantly protected by Amida's spiritual light, the seventh one of having much joy in mind, the eighth one of acknowledging Amida's benevolence and responding in gratitude to his virtue, the ninth one of constant practicing great compassion, and the last one of entering 'shojoju' (those guaranteed to be born in the Pure Land).

Shinran listed 'entering shojoju' as the last benefit in "Ken jodo shinjitsu kyogyosho monrui." He concluded that only practicing 'shinjitsugyo' (recitation of nenbutsu) allowed sentient beings to attain the ten benefits which led to 'true faith', conferred by Amida Buddha, promising to become a Buddha.

[Original Japanese]